Camden Youth Safety Multimedia Competition 2023 launches - Camden Rise

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Camden Youth Safety Multimedia Competition 2023 launches

A still from last year's winning multimedia entry by Fitzrovia Youth in Action

Camden's Youth Safety Multimedia Competition aims to raise awareness of the issues affecting the safety of young people in Camden and encourage young people to come together and think about their concerns, aspirations and hopes for the future.

The competition is run as part of the Borough's annual Youth Safety Week, which will be held this summer. There is funding available for up to 10 organisations to use a maximum of £500 each to develop their multimedia project. The money can be used to cover costs - including facilitator costs, production costs and equipment.

We're inviting creative or multimedia projects, based on the theme ‘Keeping children and young people in Camden safe’. Entries should focus on this but can include a specific theme that you choose. In previous years, themes such as youth exploitation, the safety of young women and girls and knife crime have been explored. You can see examples of last year's successful entries here.

We encourage organisations to team-up and submit joint applications - in particular, larger organisations working with smaller groups. Please complete and submit a short Expression of Interest Form and email the form to [email protected] by 5pm on Friday, 10 March 2023. We will aim to notify you within a week if you are successful. If you don't need funding for your project, you have until 5 June 2023 to enter the competition.

The competition is open to children and young people in Camden aged 10 to 18. Entries must be by children and young people in partnership with their school, youth organisation or play centre. Multimedia competition projects can be generated by an individual child or young person, or a group of children and/or young people.

Entries could include:

  • Poems, short stories or plays / dance performances (can be written or performed / videoed, but no more than 3,000 words)
  • Short films - including animation, drama or documentary (no longer than 15 minutes)
  • Video games (no longer than 15 minutes)
  • Artwork - including paintings, poster designs, photography, collages or 3D artworks (please submit a video, photo or pdf of your artwork when sending your entry, with scope for us to see the final / actual piece produced)
  • Songs, music and spoken word - including poems and raps set to music (can be audio/sound recordings or performances/videos, but no longer than 15 minutes please).

Please ensure that any soundtrack music or backing tracks you use are your own or copyright free and that the content is suitable to be read or watched by young people under the age of 16. The use of graphic violence and bad language may mean your project will not be considered - or we may suggest edits and show an edited version. 

Completed multimedia competition entries should be emailed to [email protected] by 5pm on Monday, 5 June 2023. If you have any large files (over 15mbs), you can send these by WeTransfer. Video files can be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo but please keep them 'unlisted' or password protected if possible, until they can be judged and shared more widely as part of Youth Safety Week. Young people featured in videos and photography need to be covered by signed publicity consent forms.

An overall winner and two runners-up will be chosen and their entries published during Youth Safety Week 2023. The overall winner will receive a main prize of £500 for their school, youth or play organisation, plus vouchers for the young people participating. There will be two smaller prizes of £150 for schools / youth / play organisations who come second and third, plus vouchers for the young people participating.

If you have any questions, please email [email protected]