Free activities and support for schools and young people on the Heath - Camden Rise

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Free activities and support for schools and young people on the Heath

Heath Hands is the volunteering and community charity for Hampstead Heath. They run programmes for people of all ages - including children and young people - on Hampstead Heath, the Kenwood Estate, Golders Hill Park and Highgate Wood

Over the past year, they've launched their Heath Friendly Schools initiative, providing free support and activities for schools to bring students closer to nature on the Heath.  Email [email protected] to find out more. 

Young people aged 13 to 17 can also join outdoor nature youth volunteering programmes on the Heath. 

And Heath Hands are also happy to provide free activities for local youth clubs and other organisations working with young people to bring them closer to nature. Find out more here 

And finally, Heath Hands run free nature walks and other activities on the Heath that people of all ages can join – more info here