Containing over 200,000 items on the history of the borough, the Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre can help you discover the history of your family, the area you live in, local buildings, and more.
Our mission statement
Our mission is to collect, preserve, make accessible, and foster interest in, the history and documentary heritage of the area today known as London Borough of Camden.
Our address
2nd Floor
Holborn Library
32-38 Theobalds Road
Closure in February and March 2025
Camden Local Studies and Archives Centre will be closed throughout February and March. This is for refurbishment. We are sorry for any inconvenience caused but hope our users will appreciate the refurbished space when we reopen in April
Our opening hours
Monday: 10am to 6pm
Tuesday: 10am to 6pm
Thursday: 10am to 7pm
Alternate Saturdays: 11am to 5pm
The Saturdays we will be open in 2025 are:
January 11, 25
February - library closed
March - library closed
April 5, 19
May 3, 17, 31
June 14, 28
July 12, 26
August 9, 23
September 6, 20
October 4, 18
November 1, 15, 29
December 13, 27
Consultation of archives is by prior appointment.
To make an appointment or if you have an enquiry, contact the Local Studies and Archives Centre:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 020 7974 6342
Hidden Voices Project
Volunteers are wanted to participate in an exciting new project to unearth Camden's hidden Black history. Participants will receive training in oral history and historical research.
Full details of Hidden Voices Project
If you are interested please email the project manager, Emily Momoh at [email protected]
Our catalogue
Search the catalogue of our collections
Oil paintings online
You can view our oil paintings collection online.
Local history links
Links to websites containing information on local history and archives