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Actual service charge 2024/25

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Actual service charge 2024/25

What an actual service charge is

Each September we send an adjustment to the estimated service charge that you received the previous year. The adjustment is calculated using the actual cost of maintaining and managing your building and estate.  

You will receive your next adjustment in September 2025. This will be an adjustment to the estimated invoice that we sent for April 2024 to March 2025. 

How the adjustment is made

If your estimated service charge was too low  

If your estimated service charge for the previous year was too low, you will be sent an invoice for the additional amount. You must pay this adjustment within 28 days. If you need longer to pay, call Contact Camden on 020 7974 4444 to arrange a payment plan. You can also set up a payment plan using the Camden Account.

If you are finding it difficult to pay, it’s important to contact us as soon as possible. Email our Collections Team at [email protected] or complete the contact Leaseholder Services form. They are here to help.   

If you are receiving benefits, the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) may help you to pay your service charges. You should inform the DWP as soon as you get a bill.  

You can also use our benefits calculator and refer yourself to the money advice service

If your estimated service charge was too high

If your estimated service charge was too high, you will get a credit note instead of an invoice. This will tell you how much credit has been placed on your service charge account. This will be used as payment towards your next estimated service charge.

If your credit balance is £100 or more, you can ask for this to be transferred to your bank account. We will write to you with a form to make this request.