Camden GCSE results 2024 - Camden Rise

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Camden GCSE results 2024

Photo of GCSE students Aiyla and Lina (right), of Parliament Hill School, with Head Sarah Creasey.

Camden GCSE students celebrated their 2024 results on 22 August, achieving grades which are once again expected to be above the national average. 

The provisional 2024 results show that the percentage of Camden Year 11 students achieving a ‘strong pass’ in GCSE English and maths – grade 5 or above in both subjects – is 50%, while the percentage of Camden GCSE students achieving a ‘standard pass’ in English and maths – grade 4 and above in both – is 66% for 2024. 

Both figures are expected to be above the national average again when these are published in the final performance tables later this year.

You can find out more about our schools' and students' results in the borough press release or see photos from GCSE results in our photo gallery.

If you’re a student or a parent / carer, you can visit these web pages for information and advice on next steps, or support if you’re struggling: