Talk to us about sexual and reproductive health - online focus groups in March - Camden Rise

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Talk to us about sexual and reproductive health - online focus groups in March

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Are you aged 16 to 25 and living, working, studying or socialising in Camden? We want to hear about your experiences of using sexual and reproductive support services in Camden, to make these services better and easier to access in future.
Sexual and reproductive health includes puberty, periods, healthy relationships, STI testing and treatment, contraception and knowing where to get help when you need it.
Join a friendly focus group online at the following times, or have a one-to-one session at a time that suits you.

  • Wednesday 12 March, from 4.30pm to 5.30pm
  • Thursday 20 March, from 4.30pm to 5.30pm.  

A trained facilitator will lead the sessions in a safe, respectful space, and you can bring a trusted worker if you’d like extra support. You’ll receive a £20 voucher for your time.
For more information, please email [email protected]