Youth Safety Week – Multi-Media Creative Competition - Camden Rise

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Youth Safety Week – Multi-Media Creative Competition

Camden Youth Safety Week, which will be held from 10 February 2020, will be a call to action for everyone in Camden. We believe that keeping young people safe is everyone’s business. As part of this work we are launching our first Camden Youth Safety Week Multi-Media Competition.  

Who can enter?

The competition is open to children and young people in primary and secondary schools (more suitable for years 5 and 6 in primary), up to age 18 in secondary schools and Camden youth centres – and up to 25 for Camden residents with learning disabilities, Camden looked-after children or care leavers.

There are two categories:
-    Under 11 years old (primary school age)
-    11 to 18 year olds (secondary and sixth form college age) - up to 25 with learning disabilities, or young people who are looked-after children or care leavers.

All entries must be by the child or young person in partnership with their school, youth centre or community space (i.e. a pupil and their school, a youth centre user and their centre, etc).

The deadline for entries has now been extended until Thursday 19 December 2019. The winning entries will be announced either before Christmas or in the new year.

What do I have to do?

A creative or multi-media project on a theme of ‘Keeping children and young people in Camden safe’ – this can be interpreted widely by entrants and is not limited to knife crime or youth violence. Entries could include poems, short stories, plays, films, photography, paintings, poster designs, collages, video games, songs and music. For any questions regarding entries, please email [email protected]

Things to consider in your entry are:
-    Creativity: needs to be a creative response to the subject of ‘children and young people’s safety’
-    Subject: the following are the main areas we want you to cover: safety on the streets, young people and knife crime, drugs and knife crime, exploitation of young people by gangs, why young people are carrying knives, things that keep young people safe (schools, youth centres, good family relationships, friendships, job opportunities etc.), relationship with the police (stop and search), consequences of joining a gang or carrying a knife, how children and young people feel about what is happening on our streets right now
-    Medium: can be in a visual or written format, including a poem, short story (no more than 3,000 words ideally), spoken word (video of performance poetry), artwork (two dimensional drawing, painting, collage, 3D sculpture or relief – must be portable), film (animation, drama or documentary no longer than 15 minutes)
-    Suitability: although this is about sensitive subjects, including violence, the content needs to be suitable to be read or watched by children and young people under the age of 16. Therefore, use of graphic violence and bad language may mean your entry is not considered. Please use your creativity to get your message across – you can be controversial and provocative as long as you are also thought-provoking and sensitive at the same time.

Please email your entries to [email protected]

This can either be as an attachment or with a link to where it is published online. Please note all competition entries may be shown during Youth Safety Week.


The overall winning entry will be displayed via posters and / or social media throughout Camden during Youth Safety Week 2020 to raise awareness. In addition to this, the overall winner will receive a main prize of £900 for their school or youth centre, plus £100 worth of vouchers for the individual student or young person.

There will be two smaller prizes of £50 vouchers for the individuals in each age category and £200 for their school or youth centre.