Camden Youth MP Election - 15 to 26 April 2024 - Camden Rise

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Camden Youth MP Election - 15 to 26 April 2024

Pictured in the Council Chamber are Youth MP candidates (front row, L-R) Niesha Akyeampong, Malayeka Kaji, Salma El-Amin, Shayara Ahmed, Harvey O'Brien and (back row, centre) Zarin Bakhshzaad.

Young people go to the polls in schools and youth centres from 15 to 26 April to elect a new Camden Youth MP and two Deputy Youth MPs. There are 10 candidates standing.

The borough's Youth MPs and Deputy Youth MPs are the voice for Camden young people over their two-year term, seeking to put forward their interests in local decision-making, as well as representing the views and interests of local young people at regional and national level through the UK Youth Parliament (UKYP).

Youth MP election candidates - written manifestos

Results from the ballots are due to be declared on Thursday 9 May. The Camden Youth MP Election is organised by the Council's Integrated Youth Support Service. For more details, visit or email [email protected].