Create artwork for our report on young people’s health and wellbeing - Camden Rise

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Create artwork for our report on young people’s health and wellbeing

Are you a creative young person aged 11 to 18, who lives or goes to school in Camden? If so, you can enter our competition before the end of Friday 12 November for the chance to win a £50 voucher.

We're asking young people to create artwork about your health and wellbeing, which will feature in the Annual Public Health Report for Camden and Islington.

This year's report, published by Camden and Islington Councils, will focus on adolescent health and wellbeing so we want to know what a healthy life and future looks like to young people in both boroughs - and how you have faced up to or found solutions to your own health and wellbeing challenges.

We know that the last 18 months have thrown up a lot of issues and some opportunities. We also know that young people in Camden and Islington have lots of creative talent that we want to showcase!

How to enter the competition

Produce a 2D piece of artwork, which could be a painting, drawing, poster or collage, on the theme of the health and wellbeing of young people in Camden and Islington. We are looking for artwork that shows what a healthy life and future looks like to you. 

We’re keen to know about the things that have helped you during the difficult times and challenges you may have faced. Think about your out-of-school activities or hobbies; what things, people or activities make your problems easier to deal with, and who or what gives you support and help through difficult times?

You have plenty of scope and freedom to be creative. You can enter a painting, drawing, poster design, banner/slogan, collage or abstract artwork. Winning entries can often be the unexpected ones so use your creativity and imagination - your entry can be distinctive, use storytelling in pictures or visual metaphors. 

Topic areas
You can address the general theme of young people’s health and wellbeing, or focus on the following themes and how they affect young people: 

  • Physical activity / healthy diet
  • Mental / emotional health and wellbeing
  • Youth safety / knife crime
  • Long-term physical health conditions – e.g. asthma, diabetes, cancer
  • Education, training, getting a job
  • The impact of COVID-19 on the health and wellbeing of young people.

Although this report is about sensitive subjects, the content needs to be suitable for children and young people under the age of 16. Therefore, use of graphic violence or inappropriate language may mean your entry will not be considered. Please use your creativity to get your message across – you can be controversial and provocative, as long as you are thought-provoking and sensitive at the same time.

The winning entries will feature in the report, including on the front cover, and will also be published on our website. Anyone whose work is selected for publication will receive a £50 Amazon voucher

Who can enter?
The competition is open to students in Years 7 to 13 inclusive (ages 11 to 18) who live or go to school in Camden and Islington. It is also open to Camden and Islington residents aged up to 25 with learning disabilities, as well as Camden and Islington looked-after children or care leavers.
All entries must be by the child or young person, in partnership with their school, youth centre or community space. Submissions must be from individuals (rather than groups). Please ensure your work is all your own. It can be something you have already created, or something you create specifically for the competition. You can submit more than one entry on different topics if you want to.

How to submit an entry
Your entry should be in a PDF or medium/high resolution jpeg photo format; no more than 5mbs per file and a maximum of 10mbs per email if possible (although you may submit as many entries as you like). 
Please email your entries to [email protected] with the following information about you:

  • Your full name
  • Your age
  • Your school year group
  • Your contact email address
  • The name of your school, youth or community centre.

The deadline for entries is Friday 12 NovemberIf you have any questions, please email [email protected]