Youth Offending Service - Camden Rise

Youth Justice Service
Camden’s Youth Justice Service (YJS) works with children aged 10 to 17, and their families, to tackle issues that might lead to offending behaviour, as well as helping to prevent children at risk of offending from getting involved in crime and jeopardising their future prospects.
- Running local crime prevention programmes and offering voluntary support programmes
- Helping children and their families at court
- Supervising children serving a community sentence
- Staying in touch with under 18s if they’re sentenced to custody.
More info and blogs
A social enterprise, called Honest Grind Coffee, has been launched by Camden Council to help under 18s to gain the skills needed to get into good employment. Honest Grind Coffee is a new social enterprise helping 16 to 18-year-olds to gain valuable work experience by learning about the different stages of coffee production. Visit to find out more.
King’s Cross Recruit (KXR) and Camden’s Youth Justice Service have been working in partnership to pilot a flexible work experience programme for 16 to 18-year-olds who are within the youth justice system. Visit the KXR website to find out more.
- My experience as a Youth Justice Service (formerly YOS) Peer Advocate by Suraya Miah - read Suraya's blog on Camden Rise website's news section.
- Written work by Camden children from the YJS - read their articles and poems on Camden Rise website's news section.
You said...we did - feedback and actions
You can read about how the Youth Justice Service has responded to feedback from under 18s accessing the service in this short summary document.
Information and support for victims of crime
The Victims’ Code explains the rights that everyone can expect to receive as a victim of crime.
Whoever you are and whatever the crime, you have the right to be informed about the criminal justice process and the support available. Criminal justice agencies - including the police, courts and Camden's Youth Justice Service - are responsible for making sure that victims receive the rights in the Victims’ Code. You can expect them to tell you about your rights as you go through the criminal justice process. Read this government leaflet for under 18s:
- Victims' Code - four-page leaflet (English)
- The Victims’ Code: Young victims of crime: Understanding the support you should get
- Watch: short animated video explaining the Victims' Code
- Easy-read: Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales (Victims' Code)
- Bengali translation: Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales (Victims' Code)
- Arabic translation: Code of Practice for Victims of Crime in England and Wales (Victims' Code)
If you decide not to report the crime, you’re still able to get help and hear about the Victims’ Code from support services.
Other information and support
Victim Support. An independent charity dedicated to supporting victims of crime and traumatic incidents in England and Wales. They offer specialist support for young people - you don’t have to report the crime to the police to be eligible - and for parents. Helpline: 08 08 16 89 111.
Young Londoners’ Victim Service. Offers trauma-informed and bespoke support for all young victims and witnesses across London, under the age of 18, enabling them to cope and recover from the impact of crime.
Embrace Child Victims of Crime. Have you been a victim or witness to crime? Have children in your family been traumatised by their experiences? We provide emotional and practical support to heal your pain and help you to rebuild your life. We can also provide short breaks and theme park days out to replace your painful memories with happier ones. Find out more.
Support services for child survivors of domestic abuse. Visit this Camden Council web page to find services and support.
How to be an active bystander or responder. This is a guide for residents of all ages across Camden, produced by Regent’s Park Young Guardians and Community Champions as part of a ground-breaking project supported by Fitzrovia Youth in Action and Camden Council’s Detached Youth Team with funding from the Mayor of London’s Violence Reduction Unit. Here you can find resources, information and support to help you and your community to stay safe - as well as a wide range of support for victims of crime.